Soaked to the bone,
I’m cold and wet.
Then an appearance is made,
and out comes the sun, I have a chance to dry.
Indah is feeding on inverts galore,
and Indy is somewhere swinging around.
Then suddenly a family of gibbons appear,
flying high through the canopy above.
What a sight,
I forget I’m cold.
Helen writes: ‘Written on 5th March 2005 while following Indah and Indy, a mother-offspring pair. It was the middle of the rainy season and the forest was very wet. After waking from their nest, they had settled to feed in a big fruiting tree. As I had fallen in the swamp on my way to the nest, I was very wet and cold, but as the light from the morning sun shone through the canopy, this was a welcome sight and a privilege to see a group of gibbons pass so close by. It is always so special to see other wildlife when out on a follow. Every day is different, and it makes one forget how hard follows can sometimes be when you are tired and wet’.