
Discussion date:

23 October 2018

Discussion Description:

In this session, we examine different takes on extinction in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to complicating lay assumptions about what extinction entails, they raise questions about how life is valued, and evaluated, differently, what it means to live with nonhuman others and how to reshape our own scholarly practices in response to the challenges posed by extinction.


Heise, U.K. 2011. ‘Lost Dogs, Last Birds, and Listed Species: Cultures of Extinction’. Configurations 18:39-62.

Mitchell, A. 2016. ‘Beyond Biodiversity and Species: Problematizing Extinction’. Theory, Culture and Society 33 (5): 23-42.

Van Dooren, T. Flight Ways: Life and Loss at the Edge of Extinction. New York: Columbia University Press. (Chapter Four: Breeding Cranes – The Violent-Care of Captive Life)

Rose, D.B. 2011. Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. (Chapters 1, Where Shall Wisdom be Found? & 2, Looking Into Extinction)

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