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Discussion Description:
In this and the previous session, we explored different Anthropocenic imaginations and imaginaries, looking different ways of thinking/conceiving/enacting ‘the Anthropocene’ in both scholarship and the world.
Moore, A. 2015: Anthropocene anthropology: reconceptualizing contemporary global change. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22: 27-46.
Moore, A. 2018. Selling Anthropocene space: situated adventures in sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. https://doi-org.ezproxy.brunel.ac.uk/10.1080/09669582.2018.1477783
Bubandt, N. 2017. Haunted Geologies: Spirits, Stones, and the Necropolitics of the Anthropocene. In: Tsing, A. et al (eds.) Ghosts of the Anthropocene. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, pp. G121-G142.
Fuentes, A. and M. Baynes-Rock 2017. Anthropogenic Landscapes, Human Action and the Process of Co-Construction with other Species: Making Anthromes in the Anthropocene. Land 6(1):15https://doi.org/10.3390/land6010015